The Indian Pines Country Day School Logo: a stylized lineart drawing of a schoolhouse with a fence around it

Indian Pines Country Day School offers a preschool program for children ages three and four, and also a kindergarten for five year olds. Our goal is to provide your child with a healthy, happy setting in which to enjoy their first formal learning experience. We respect each child and strive to help them develop as a unique individual.

The school year is from mid-August through mid-May. School hours are 8:15am-12pm, Monday through Friday. The yearly tuition is $3,200 ($2,850 for siblings). The tuition may be paid in full or broken into ten payments of $320. Kindergarten is assessed a $280 book fee and the three and four year old classes are assessed a $150 supply fee.


Our Curriculum

Our goal in the three and four year old preschool classes is to provide a warm and stimulating environment where children will feel safe and free to explore the world around them. We work to help children gain confidence in themselves as they become leaders, adapt to group experiences, and learn to respect the feelings of others .
The preschool curriculum introduces concepts and skills that provide a developmentally appropriate foundation for future learning. materials in the classroom are engaging and enriching, encouraging imagination and socialization. The children will explore various themes throughout the school year which will integrate the following:

Language Arts

  • Using language to express ideas and answer questions
  • Vocabulary enrichment
  • Creative expression and dramatic play
  • Visual development: shapes, colors, visual discrimination and memory, name recognition, and letter recognition
  • Auditory development: learning to follow verbal directions, auditory discrimination and memory, listening comprehension, and phonics
  • Developing a positive attitude towards reading and the love of literature


  • Matching, sequencing, sorting, and patterns
  • Spatial relationships
  • Comparisons
  • Number recognition and calendar skills
  • Measuring, graphing, counting

Social Studies

  • Learning about our classroom community (routines, rhythms, rules) in order to function as a group
  • Recognizing likenesses and differences among peer groups
  • Learning respect for and acceptance of varied ideas and opinions


  • Exploring, experimenting, and discovering
  • Developing an awareness of the changing world


  • Developing fine motor coordination through cutting, folding, tracing, and painting
  • Becoming aware of color, shape, size, and texture
  • Spatial reasoning
  • Developing self-expression


  • Singing for fun
  • Listening to a diverse collection of music
  • Finger playing to improve coordination and the use of imagination
  • Rhythm and motion for large motor development


At IPCDS, we believe strongly in the value of outdoor play in childhood development. Our school emphasizes the importance of outdoor play for our students physical, emotional, and cognitive development. We believe that learning is best accomplished through handson activities, which is why we offer our students numerous opportunities to explore and play in our large, wellmaintained outdoor spaces.

Lunch Bunch

We offer students the option to stay from 12-2pm to eat their lunch (brought from home) and enjoy supervised play outside. The cost is $10 per student per day, and students can register to attend on a regular basis, or drop in some days as needed.

Questions? Please contact us

1742 Saugahatchee Road, Auburn, AL

(334) 821-7786