Indian Pines Country Day School offers a preschool program for children ages three and four, and also a kindergarten for five year olds. Our goal is to provide your child with a healthy, happy setting in which to enjoy their first formal learning experience. We respect each child and strive to help them develop as a unique individual.
The school year is from mid-August through mid-May. School hours are 8:15am-12pm, Monday through Friday. The yearly tuition is $3,200 ($2,850 for siblings). The tuition may be paid in full or broken into ten payments of $320. Kindergarten is assessed a $280 book fee and the three and four year old classes are assessed a $150 supply fee.
At IPCDS, we believe strongly in the value of outdoor play in childhood development. Our school emphasizes the importance of outdoor play for our students’ physical, emotional, and cognitive development. We believe that learning is best accomplished through hands–on activities, which is why we offer our students numerous opportunities to explore and play in our large, well–maintained outdoor spaces.
We offer students the option to stay from 12-2pm to eat their lunch (brought from home) and enjoy supervised play outside. The cost is $10 per student per day, and students can register to attend on a regular basis, or drop in some days as needed.
Questions? Please contact us
1742 Saugahatchee Road, Auburn, AL
(334) 821-7786